Medication & Lifestyle Counselling

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Most of the patients suffer from pain due to improper lifestyle and abnormal postures e.g. back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, headache,etc.

At Dr. Sanjeev's PAIN clinic, we focus on identifying following things:
1. Pain trigger factors.
2. Abnormal postures.
3. Pain causing activities.
4. Medicine dosing errors.
5. Exercise or physiotherapy errors.
6. Psychological factors.

Modifying activities and learning techniques to decrease stress on the affected areas are important to resolving or controlling pain. Since most of musculo-skeletal pains tends to recur, lifestyle changes should become a way of life if you hope to avoid future episodes.

Facilities provided at Dr. Sanjeev's PAIN clinic:
Posture analysis.
Home exercise program.
Stress management/ Meditation.
Cognitive Behavioural therapy CBT.
Chiropractor treatment for spine/joints.
Psychological assessment and Counselling.
Work environment assessment and Modification.
Optimum Manual Therapy or physiotherapy at clinic.

General Guidelines to follow for every patient:
Manage stress.
If you smoke, quit.
Alter Your Activities.
Practice good posture.
Modify your environment.
Follow a home exercise program.
Lose weight if you are overweight.
Change your activity pattern. Avoid pain causing activities.
Prolonged bed rest is usually not advised. Bed rest can weaken muscles and slow recovery. In most cases, it is recommended that you continue normal activities as much as is tolerated. Stay active within the limits of your pain and avoid activities that worsen the pain.

Guidelines for activity for Back Pain include:
Do not lift heavy objects.
Sleep on a firm mattress.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes.
Use a lumbar support pillow when sitting or driving.
Avoid having objects, such as a wallet, in your back pocket while sitting.
Plan ahead and ask for assistance with lifting or moving heavy objects.
Avoid excessive, prolonged, or forceful bending or twisting of your back.
Consider job retraining if your work requires a lot of heavy lifting or sitting.
If you sit for long periods of time, use a stool to bring your knees above your hips.
Sleep on your side or on your back with a wedge or pillow under the lower part of your legs.
Find a mattress that suits your body and how you sleep. Everyone is different, so it may take time to find one that works for you.
Ask whether your company has someone who specializes in helping redesign the workplace for the restrictions an individual with back pain requires.
When lifting, squat down next to the object, hold the object close to your chest, maintain a straight back, and use your leg muscles to slowly rise.
Avoid sitting for long periods. When you do sit, choose seats with good lumbar support. You may be able to use a standing desk at intervals to help avoid prolonged sitting.
Avoid standing for long periods as well. If you need to stand, place a low footstool in front of you and alternate placing each foot on it for a period of time. This will take some of the load off your back.
Learn the proper way to lift even light objects, using your knees rather than your back for leverage. If necessary, have a physical therapist or ergonomic specialist teach you proper body mechanics for daily activities.

When to Contact Your Doctor:
More serious symptoms associated with back pain that may require immediate medical attention include:
Loss of bowel or bladder control.
Burning or difficulty with urination.
Difficulty walking, standing, or moving.
Numbness in the genital or rectal area.
Pain that is worse when you are reclining.
If there has been any trauma, fall, or impact.
Pain that does not subside, or worsens with rest.
Progressive weakness or numbness in a leg or foot.
Fever, unexplained weight loss, or other signs of illness.
Pain that is severe or that has gotten dramatically worse.
If you have a history of cancer, back pain should be evaluated.

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